Monday, October 17, 2011

It's All Fun and Games!

Since we are hosting our annual Halloween bash, we wanted to find some exciting and unforgettable games that can be played at our party. I have put together a couple different games that I think will be a blast, or at least I hope so! A couple months ago I was researching on the Internet to try to find some adult Halloween games and I found some different ones on In the past, we've played drinking games and they are fun and all, but I wanted to go for something different. Here is what I've put together:

1. Toe Tag Mania - As soon as the guests arrive, I will give them 3 toe tags that have been all filled out and ready to go! Each toe tag has a number on it and the purpose of the toe tags is for a drawing at the end of the party for gift! The more toe tags you get then the chances of winning the prize is a higher percent.  So, the rules of this game is try to get as many of them as you can by stealing, bargaining, and/or exchanging. For example, someone might give another person a toe tag for getting them a drink, or doing them a favor. As the night goes, and the more people drink, I think it could get a little crazy for some of the things that could be asked in order to get a toe tag. I found my toe tags on, these ones had to be my favorite and most authentic looking ones that I found.

2. Mystery Killer - Another thing that I will give to the guests as they arrive will be an envelope and inside it will tell them if they are the killer or victim. If they are the killer then they will need to secretly wink at a person and then the victim has to act out the death that is listed on their sheet of paper, that was in envelope, in front of everyone to see. The victim cannot tell anyone else who the killer is or they will have to drink a mystery shot, and believe me, they won't be tasty! Some of the different deaths that I listed on the sheets were: choking on a hot dot, freezing to death, being buried alive, flying lawn mower attack and etc. I think it will be hilarious watching everyone act out how they died! Whoever is left standing at the end will get a prize:)

3. The good ole' Spooktacular Scavenger Hunt (the adult version) - So, everyone knows how this goes, you are given divided into groups and given a list. The groups have to go around town and look for the items on the list. The first group to come back with the most items crossed off their list wins and of course I have prizes for them! Some of the examples that I have on the list are: a hairy back, picture of a tombstone, get a photo with a police officer, find the price of eggs, a picture of a house that looks haunted and etc. This will be the first game that we will play because I want everyone to be sober when they are driving/walking around town! I really hope everyone will have fun with playing these games and that everyone gets into it and participants.

Have any of you had a Halloween party and put together some games? Were they hit or miss?


  1. OHHH I wanna come!! I loooove Halloween parties! But since we are in the middle of moving our house just isn't "party ready" Make sure you post pictures of the party!

  2. Laurie, we always have tons of fun! I'll definitely be posting some pics:) Halloween will be here before you know it!


Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog:) If you have any questions then feel free to ask away and I will get back to you!