Sunday, September 2, 2012

Small Changes = New Me!!!!

I have been trying to make small changes along this weight loss journey and making small substitution of healthier things I should be eating or drinking.  I thought I would share this all with you and maybe you could give me any other pointers that have worked for you:)
 One thing that I have done is taken pop ALMOST completely out of my diet!  I drank a total of 1 maybe 2 pops in the last 3 months!!!  The weird thing, or I guess good thing, is that I used to drink 4-5 diet pops a day and last time I tried a diet pop, it tasted nasty!! I truly mean it too!  I didn't like the taste one bit.  I have tried Mountain Dew and I can't say the same about not liking that pop.  I still do like it, BUT I bought a can of it and didn't even drink the whole thing because it tasted too sweet and sugary! Some of you may be thinking, big deal, I do that all the time!  For me, that is HUGE because I ALWAYS drink all of my pop and never leave a drop left over, that's how I rolled before.  When I first tried to get rid of pop from what I eat/drink, it was pretty easy, but when I went to the store and I had this urge to grab a pop.  The only reason, I had this terrible urge was because that's what I did ALL of the time before.  If I went to Target, the mall, or Wal-mart then I would grab a pop for the road.  Now, I just grab a bottle of water which I can always drink more water and it makes me feel better because I do have something to drink and it's healthy:):):)

The other changes that I have tried to do is substitute whole wheat for just about anything that I can!  I know that whole wheat has more calories, but it's suppose to have better nutrients and more fiber for you.  This change is sometimes hard for the hubby, but he will at least try what I buy!

Another change I try to do ALL of the time, is buy when a recipe calls for cream cheese, sour cream, or cheese then I will try to buy those products but with less fat or lighter in calories.  This is something easy and something I can live with for the rest of my life.  I can't really taste the difference and neither can the hubby;)  So, it's all good!!!
I know that you are suppose to have carbs in what you eat and I do with things like bananas, tomatoes, and apples.  I try to stay away from pastas and bread, as much as I can during the week.  I treat myself to chicken breast with cheese and aspargus, and a veggie to go with it!  I try to eat as much protein as I can.
Which leads me to my next change,  I have cut back on red meat, majorly!!!  I used to eat red meat 4-5 times a week and now I eat it 1-0 times per week.  I try to limit my red meat intake, just for the simple fact it has more fat and calories.  I could NEVER completely get rid of this from what I eat, but I can definitely limit myself:):)  Don't get me wrong, I LOVE me a fat, juicy, and delicious grilled hambruger, but only on special occasions or on my "free" meal.
I know that this next rule that I try to go by will just seem plain common sense and pretty idiotic, but I haven't followed this in my past "diets".  I try my very best to eat 4 or more servings of fruits and veggies each and every day!!  On my past "diets", I would say that I was eating healthy because I would eat a "100 calorie pack of chocolate covered preztels" or goldfish.  So, what I mean is that I would eat these snacky foods in substitute for fruits and veggies and that would be "good" enough for me!  Now, I know that wasn't the best choice because 1. fruits and veggies fill you up more 2. you get hungry quicker 3.  it isn't very nutritious for you!  Every now and then 1 or 2 times a week, I may try a "100 calorie pack of chocolate covered pretzels" or whatever little snacky thing that I would like try, but I try to stay away from them.
When I'm craving chips or something salty, I have found this nut and raisin mix from Target that I turn to.  By eating that, it seems to curb my craving for chips:)  I guess what I'm trying to do is whatever I am craving find a healthy substitute for it!
Fruit smoothies to me = heaven, no lie!!!  I heart just about any type of fruit smoothie because they are so refreshing, tasty, and are semi-similiar to ice cream or at least have the same kind of effect!  Plus, they have a great source of protein and vitamins:)  You can't go wrong with that, right?!?!?

I almost forgot, this is my lifesaver, if you feel hungry drink 1 glass of water and wait 5 minutes or so to see if you still feel hungry!  This usually works for me all of the time!  My body is trying to tell me, Mindy I need some water, but my brain is thinking "Mindy you need to eat something, like right now!!!"  I have upped my water intake by twice as much as what I used to drink!  This rule has helped me out a TON!
There will always be things that I need to work on with my new lifestyle such as:  eating/drinking more food with calcium, iron, and potassium!  I need my bones to be strong and healthy!  Trying to make homemade and healthy recipes with lower carbs....need to find a website/cookbook that would help me out with this one!
On another note, I have been training for running for The Color Run and I think that I have been getting shin splits:-/  It really hurts in my left calf...ouch!  I need to try to stretch some more before I go for a run.  Do any of you know any good websites that I could look at just for this particular issue?  This is really putting a damper on my running.  I really want to be able to run in this race without having this nagging pain along the way:-/

So, those are some of the things I have been cutting back on to help me with my weight loss journey!  Do any of you have any other ideas to add?  

Thanks for stopping :):):):)

Until next time!!!!!


  1. I used to be addicted to Coke for four years straight. That's all I drank, however once I got the stains from it removed from my teeth I've since moved on to iced/hot tea and juice!

    And Tea also helps me satisfy that water rule. :)

  2. Way to go! These changes sound like they are working amazingly for you! I really need to amp up my fruit and veggie intake... I h-a-t-e vegetables, so I need to find a supplement for that! Thanks for the inspiration!


Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog:) If you have any questions then feel free to ask away and I will get back to you!